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2021 Gramsci International Prize for Theatre in Prison to Claudio Collovà

Vito Minoia

Aggiornamento: 5 gen 2024

I TEATRI DELLE DIVERSITÀ (Theatres of Diversities)

22nd edition of the International Conference

of the European Review “Catarsi-Teatri delle Diversità”

(Urbania, 6-7 November 2021)

Saturday 6 November 2021 - Bramante Theatre, Urbania

European Review “Catarsi-Teatri delle Diversità”

in collaboration with

Casa Natale Gramsci di Ales Association

Italian Association of Theatre Critics

International Network Theatre in Prison - ITI Unesco Partner

Gramsci International Prize for Theatre in Prison

(sixth edition)


Claudio Collovà is a rare and precious example of artist and intellectual; a director of large culture and a refined and timeless original poetics. Considered a citizen of the world for his training and for the many collaborations he had over the years with important institutions in Italy and in several European countries and beyond, he has always maintained his roots in his homeland, Palermo, Sicily. The dialectic of near and far is essential in investigating challenging and complex authors, who represent crucial steps towards knowledge; it is also needed in creating dialogue between different art forms - dance, painting, photography - in an active, creative and visionary way. All this brings about a fascinating richness and intensity, which are also crucial to operate in prisons. He has received numerous awards, in particular from A.N.C.T., the Italian Association of Theatre Critics. Claudio Collovà knows how to concretely deal with life in all its aspects. He has been the Artistic director of the Orestiadi of Gibellina for nine editions and Professor of directing at the Accademia. There he created training and performance spaces (Officine Ouragan, and now Area Madera). Using the language of theatre, he was able to remarkably foster a desire for knowledge in a context of vibrant creative tension both for the individual and for the whole group; his results are always memorable for brilliance and togetherness. This is also true for his work within juvenile justice institutions. A video of his "King Lear” - projected in 2012 at the first edition of the Italian National Festival of Prison Theatre “Destini Incrociati” - enchanted the audience for its rigour and lightness.

In his most recent work "Piccolo Amleto" (Little Hamlet) - followed by the European Review Catarsi-Teatri delle Diversità - Collovà critically re-elaborates Shakespeare's work with a fortunate intuition from the young participants who consider unfair for a father to ask his sons to perpetuate revenge. Vito Minoia, coordinator of the International Network Theatre in Prison - ITI Unesco Partner writes: "It would be necessary to formalize theatre activities for minors subject to measures ordered by the judicial authority...They have the right to overcome a difficult moment and share an artistic experience with other young people. Collovà and his collaborators should be allowed to operate in a 'House of Theatre', where they can continue to work with beauty. Creating craft workshops connected with theatre as an art means promoting educational, social and civic progress." We are all waiting to see the realization of the project "Palermo beyond walls: the scene of redemption".


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